• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Sure, but the fines have gone unpaid.
    The private owner of the private company X has enough money to cover the fines.
    Brazil is now seizing assets to try and recover the amount due.

    X isn’t declaring bankruptcy. X is flaunting legal rulings and dodging fines.
    If that scares away “investors” that are going to skirt or flaunt laws, rulings and legality then it seems like a decent result for Brazil.

  • Discarded cards can’t be played again until the next round. Essentially destroying them for that round.
    Hitler is fairly well known for blaming Jews and working on their genocide.

    It is a reach. But I saw the castle painting in The Gentlemen series, and thought it looked familiar.
    Unless there is something else about the word castle, or that artwork that is relevant? Considering how on point so much else of the artwork and names are

  • AI is hype.
    They’ve recently signed a deal with Reddit for AI parsable data. Reddit reciprocated by allowing Google to be the only indexable search engine.
    Google now thinks it can do the same to literally everyone else.
    Googling is pretty damn mainstream.
    Don’t give Google your data, then don’t be included in googles search results. It’s like a flip of their previous trade with reddit, except it’s not a trade. It’s extortion.

    Reddit never gave Google traffic. They gave them content and data.
    And Google thinks it can withdraw traffic from other sites unless they get data in return.
    Google is a monopoly.
    Literally extortion

  • CohhCarnage said something about this.
    Game Devs often include requests along these lines for sponsored segments of a stream (and only the parts of the stream paid for), including talking about COVID during the high point of the COVID pandemic.

    The odd part that he noted is some of the specific wording, that he attributed to mistranslation - like “feminist propaganda”.

    I have no idea about the parts relating to Chinese game dev.

    The benefit of the doubt in me says: this is some bad translation and culture disconnect.
    The pragmatist in me says: this guides content creators. So, take such content with a pinch of salt in these regards - play the game if it actually seems decent.

    I feel like the pragmatist is pretty much default these days, all content guides you to some conclusion. So do what the fuck you want.
    🦜☠️ (Idk what the emoji is. I’m sure you understand) If it really rubs you the wrong way

  • If your windows computer makes an outbound connection to a server that is actively exploiting this, then yes: you will suffer.

    But having a windows computer that is chilling behind a network firewall that is only forwarding established ipv6 traffic (like 99.9999% of default routers/firewalls), then you are extremely extremely ultra unlucky to be hit by this (or, you are such a high value target that it’s likely government level exploits). Or, you are an idiot visiting dogdy websites or running dodgy software.

    Once a device on a local network has been successfully exploited for the RCE to actually gain useful code execution, then yes: the rest of your network is likely compromised.
    Classic security in layers. Isolatation/layering of risky devices (that’s why my homelab is on a different vlan than my home network).
    And even if you don’t realise your windows desktop has been exploited (I really doubt that this is a clean exploit, you would probably notice a few BSOD before they figure out how to backdoor), it then has to actually exploit your servers.
    Even if they turn your desktop into a botnet node, that will very quickly be cleaned out by windows defender.
    And I doubt that any attacker will have time to actually turn this into a useful and widespread exploit, except in targeting high value targets (which none of us here are. Any nation state equivalent of the US DoD isn’t lurking on Lemmy).

    It comes back to: why are you running windows as a server?

    The possibility that high value targets are exposing windows servers on IPv6 via public addresses is what makes this CVE so high.
    Sensible people and sensible companies will be using Linux.
    Sensible people and sensible companies will be very closely monitoring what’s going on with windows servers exposed by ipv6.
    This isn’t an “ipv6 exploit”. This is a windows exploit. Of which there have been MANY!

  • I get what you are saying, but the balance is off.
    YT premium costs (edit) more than a streaming service per month.
    There are no industry leading movies or series released exclusively on YouTube.
    YouTubes benefits of premium is “not being delivered ‘skip after 5 seconds’ live streams” as an ad that will play indefinitely (or at least for hours).
    Also, streaming services provide much better series discovery. Ie, find a show you like and easily discover the start of that series, then binge watch the entire series in order.
    YT premium is basically a “play next” queue, 1080p, and no ads.
    It doesn’t (AFAIK) support creators any more. It’s literally just a fee to not-be-inconvenienced, and it’s not great at that

  • As a recent YT premium-tryer, it’s amazing how many ads they put in that aren’t obviously adverts - comparing between non-premium and premium browsing.
    Not sure I’ll keep YT premium beyond the free trial, until I find more decent content producers. Even then, it’s skipping those video’s paid promotion segments.
    So it’s like paying for a streaming platform to not get ads… But still getting ads

  • If the router/gateway/network (IE not local) firewall is blocking forwarding unknown IPv6, then it’s a compromised server connected to via IPv6 that has the ability to leverage the exploit (IE your windows client connecting to a compromised server that is actively exploiting this IPv6 CVE).

    It’s not like having IPv6 enabled on a windows machine automatically makes it instantly exploitable by anyone out there.
    Routers/firewalls will only forward IPv6 for established connections, so your windows machine has to connect out.

    Unless you are specifically forwarding to a windows machine, at which point you are intending that windows machine to be a server.

    Essentially the same as some exploit in some service you are exposing via NAT port forwarding.
    Maybe a few more avenues of exploit.

    Like I said. Why would a self-hoster or homelabber use windows for a public facing service?!

  • How many people are running public facing windows servers in their homelab/self-hosted environment?

    And just because “it’s worked so far” isn’t a great reason to ignore new technology.
    IPv6 is useful for public facing services. You don’t need a single proxy that covers all your http/s services.
    It’s also significantly better for P2P applications, as you no longer need to rely on NAT traversal bodges or insecure uPTP type protocols.

    If you are unlucky enough to be on IPv4 CGNAT but have IPv6 available, then you are no longer sharing reputation with everyone else on the same public IPv4 address. Also, IPv6 means you can get public access instead of having to rely on some RPoVPN solution.