send a nuke
Hey I’ve seen that movie.
send a nuke
Hey I’ve seen that movie.
quickly and completely corps change their minds
What pisses me off is how utterly willing any given minority is willing to boot-lick a corporation because of a rainbow avatar or 50 word statement of support or whatever.
Corporations will, at best, pretend to be your friend until it’s no longer convenient for them to do so, then your ass is out on the street.
Don’t fall for it when they change their mind again, because they are at very best minimal-effort dont-rock-the-boat-too-hard temporary performative allies.
I’m wagering they don’t do anything at all anywhere. The absolute most might be a ‘happy pride!’ page buried somewhere.
But, honestly, as a gay dude, I don’t care. This was all performative nonsense anyways. It was, at the very best, just some virtue signalling bullshit marketing thought might sell another car or book or potato or whatever the fuck, and never ever actually meant support or willingness to stand on principles or even get fucking involved in anything - though, I’ll admit, there were a very few exceptions to that.
There’s lots of shit needed, but an avatar picture that’s just fucking marketing from trillion dollar companies ain’t it, boss.
And frankly, in any case, posting someone’s name online in correlation to a public job isn’t doxxing.
Too many people have gone ‘posting anything online about anyone is doxxing!’ which is just stupid.
If you work for the government, then yes, your name is (unless you’re doing some classified shit) is public. So is/was your salary.
Don’t want your shit public, don’t work for the public. Very simple.
I’d be a little nicer: there’s at least one if not two generations now who have never communicated outside of these walled gardens.
Like, I’m entirely certain some of my niblings have no fucking clue what a text message is, since they grew up on snapchat and whatsapp and facebook messenger.
Perhaps a reasonable outreach that’s not just ‘u suck for using nazi shit!’ (which uh, I do agree with) might be a little more useful in capturing anyone under the age of like, 30.
What do you bet they don’t even do that anymore?
$5 says almost no company does even the most perfunctory rainbow capitalism avatar changes this year, because, well, that’d be DEI or woke or someshit.
I have to ask but uh, does he REALLY look like that, or has someone photoshopped him. Because if you look up ‘weird nerd nobody liked in highschool on a power trip because he runs a webstie now’ on wikipedia, that’s the image you’d get.
(And before I get lambasted about how I’m judging someone from their appearance: just no. I just find it hilarious the guy who acts like that also happens to look exactly like you’d expect. Some sort of uh, appearance determination thing, or whatever.)
Where else is there to go when I want to read content that’s an unmarked advertisement?
Oh right, the NYT/WSJ/WaPo exists, nevermind.
That was a joke. And besides, only certain distributions count anyways. Keep an eye out for our Slackware brothers, they need our help and support in these times.
Plus, there are a lot of folks here (it seems like a majority sometimes in my personal experience) that are quick to advocate violence/sabotage in lieu of negotiation and debate. That reeks of puppeteering; there can’t be that many arseholes here, right?
That’s because there are a lot of marginlized folks here - gay, trans, autistic, linux users - who have spent decades disucssing politely and negotiating.
Problem is the people throwing Nazi salutes and writing all these executive orders have, quite clearly, said they want us all either dead or in camps.
Now I wouldn’t dream of speaking for everyone else, but I’m certainly not going to be attempting to politely debate myself out of a one-way train ride, if it comes to that.
So, yeah, while I don’t encourage violence for the sake of violence, the neoliberal ‘oh dear we must all be very polite at all times and let rationality solve all our issues!’ is dead and worthless.
I’ve taken classes for and armed myself, and I have zero qualms with defending myself and friends and family by any means necessary if it comes down to a situation where it’s us-or-them, regardless of who ‘them’ is.
If you told me even five years ago that I’d be carrying a gun and be fully prepared to use deadly force to defend myself I’d have called you goofy, and if you told me that I’d be willing to use it against agents of the state if they came after me, I’d think you have lost your damn mind.
But, well, it’s been a long 5 years, and frankly, IMO, the rule of law and the trust in any governmental institutions have been eroded into nothing.
When I was a wee kid, I thought that scene from the Matrix where Morpehus explains that humans destroyed the whole damn planet just to maybe slow down the machines was stupid.
I mean if you block the sun, we’re all going to fucking die, why would you do something that stupid?
Yeah, well, the last few years has shown that actually at least half the people on the planet would be pro-kill-everything, even if that includes themselves.
So really, this take isn’t remotely shocking anymore.
Hey Elon! Do it! You want to! You have the money!
Buy Reddit!
(It’d be the funniest damn thing.)
Oh I wasn’t saying to not, I was just saying make sure you’re aware of what recovery entails since a lot of raid controllers don’t just write bytes to the disk and can, if you don’t have spares, make recovery a pain in the ass.
I’m using MD raid for my boot SSDs and yeah, the install was a complete pain in the ass since the debian installer will let you, but it’s very much in the linux sense of ‘let you’: you can do it, but you’re figuring it out on your own.
Buy multiple drives, setup some sort of raid, setup some sort of backup. Then set up a 2nd backup.
All drives from all manufacturers are going to fail at more or less the same rate (see: backblaze’s stats) and trying to buy a specific thing to avoid the death which is coming for all drives is, mostly, futile: at the absolute best you might see a single specific model to avoid, but that doesn’t mean entire product lines are bad.
I’m using some WD red drives which are pushing 8 years old, and some Seagate exos drives which are pushing 4, and so far no issues on any of the 7 drives.
Make sure, if you use hardware RAID, you know what happens if your controller dies.
Is the data in a format you can access it easily? Do you need a specific raid controller to be able to read it in the future? How are you going to get a new controller if you need it?
That’s a big reason why people nudge you to software raid: if you’re using md and doing a mirror, then that’ll work on any damn drive controller on earth that linux can talk to, and you don’t need to worry about how you’re getting your data back if a controller dies on you.
Well knowing Elon, he’s probably paying minimum wage and also forcing the guy to clean his toilets and bring him tendies.
And complaining the entire time about how the tendies doesn’t have enough honey mustard.
Yeah. Those Durons were a stupidly good deal at the time since you could overclock the snot out of them and get a CPU on par with a top of the stack one for absolute pennies.
Unless they caught fire. But that mostly usually didn’t hapen all that often sometimes.
Seriously, when did The Verge get a paywall?
I’d support that: the new excuses as to why a suspect escaped would be fantastic.
“Well, I would have caught him but my car died for some reason and I couldn’t get out.”
“Well, I would have caught him but I hit a bump and half my car fell off.”
“Well, I would have caught him, but my car caught fire and killed my partner.”
“Well, I would haved caught him but it was raining so my bumper fell off and punctured my tire.”
If you don’t like someone’s shit, block them. There’s not a limit of how many people who make you upset you can block, so go hog wild.