Good point - my thought is to go through that pain now while I’m still learning to use Linux properly. I’m not tied into anything yet so I can always swap something out if it doesn’t play with Wayland and gets too troublesome.
Good point - my thought is to go through that pain now while I’m still learning to use Linux properly. I’m not tied into anything yet so I can always swap something out if it doesn’t play with Wayland and gets too troublesome.
Began moving all my hardware to Linux this year since none of them will run win11 without fk-about-ing - and I just don’t want to. So my server, media box and laptop are all cut over, only my main desktop left on windows a bit longer but it’s goose is cooked too.
I’ve tried dozens of distros over the years but I’ve settled on Fedora KDE.
The why:
I suspect the contract means that they only actually pay for those that are played