• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2024

  • ludicolo@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRemember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
    13 days ago

    You my friend are an idiot. I already said this above but what about the people who trusted their medical provider who reccomended this service to them to find a proper diagnosis? They should just get fucked for trusting a professional in the field. We fucking rely on companies to a fault. It’s ass. we could you know blame the company for the shitty actions of collecting this data rather than the average ignorant consumers. That’s like blaming the person who told you your significant other is cheating on you for ruining your marriage, or even blaming yourself. It’s asinine.

  • ludicolo@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRemember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
    14 days ago

    And for the people that their doctors reccomended it to them? It’s their fault for trusting their medical provider? No. You should hold these corporations accountable for their shitty behavior. I guess people should stop buying oil & gas because that is killing the very planet they walk on. Oh wait! They can’t without an alternative that the government could easily provide! The company didn’t need to do shitty things in the first place. Fuck capitalism and fuck companies.

  • Please explain how I came off as insulting? Nowhere in my statement was it meant to come off as insulting. If you are referring to the quote “am I the bad guy” I was talking about mozilla and trying to use the principle skinner meme in text format. It was a joke. It wasn’t directed at you. My entire point is to not trust companies. There is no good company. Mozilla was doing good things but the fact of the matter is they put in an unnessescary feature and enabled it by default. Giving users control of settings they want right out of the gate is pro privacy, when you start choosing what you think is best for the user. That is anti-privacy.

    To you that is “kinda lame” but you then explain it away by saying “at least it isn’t as bad as other browsers that make you jump through hoops!” That is where we fundamentally disagree. Bad is still bad for me, and my line is unmovable. Whereas for you there is a line you are willing to move. You asked me why it was inherently anti-privacy and I explained that any company willing to enable a slimy feature by default like this is on the path to become anti-privacy/already is. what you confuse for hostility was me informing you on my posiition.

    This isn’t some conspiracy theory, way to be reductive. Companies always require growth and profit. If you think this is a conspiracy theory I have no idea how we even continue this conversation. Mozilla doesn’t give two shits about you or I. Google started off as a company with the slogan “do no evil” look at how that is going. Do you trust that Google still is doing no evil because they had a slogan? No, you don’t trust Google because they have built up this anti-privacy reputation. That started with a simple search engine.

    Mozilla is testing the waters in what they can get away with. I was trying to provide alternatives for people who like Firefox but don’t know where to go. I am actually trying to provide solutions rather than explain away a companies behavior as you seem to be doing (And you called us the shills which is ironic). If you don’t like this and are worried about the implications there are other options.

    Jesus Christ and you called me assumptive. Did I say anywhere to burn the creators of the Mozilla CORPORATION at the stake? No. Did I say anywhere that I hate mozilla? No. Did I say anywhere that the creators of the Mozilla Foundation are “nefarious villains” ? No. Did I say anywhere about mozilla being ignorant and clueless? No. They know exactly what they are doing and that is the problem. I think that companies are emotionless entities that seek profit over well being.

    Also where was this “wild rage” you talk about. TBH your reply is more insulting than my response. Talk about pot calling the kettle black.

    Please tell me why this feature needed to be on by default? The absolute necessary reason this feature had to be turned on for every user. Why the user couldn’t turn it on themselves? Do you think the user is too stupid to know what is best for themselves? If they came up with a pop up for you that says “this feature tracks you, do you want to enable it?” would you turn it on?

    “not the far reaching ramifications it might lead to.” Oh I get it, you only care if it is harming you now (which it is). Not what these actions could lead to in the future. You are like a frog in a boiling pot of water. The thing is this shit is gradual. My argument is simply stating that this is the start of something you may not want to be a part of in the future.

    In the blogpost you link they specifically say that this feature tracks you but not in the normal cookie way you are used to. Tracking is still tracking and it’s gross. Tracking is anti-privacy do you agree? Tracking should not be enabled by default. Period. Tracking as an out of the box feature and not something a user chooses to opt into is anti-privacy.

    If you wanted a specific type of answer for your “invitation” then be more specific when you ask. You replied to me with that question, I gave you my answer and you didn’t like it.

  • Any company that is willing to enable options (such as advertising) without users permission/consent is anti privacy. While it may not be a big deal for you now, wait to see what else they try to explain away. You act as if ublock is just automatically installed for users, thus making this not a big deal. what about the thousands if not millions of users on default firefox? The fact that Mozilla did this without letting the user know it is on by default, is inherently anti privacy. Hell I would argue turning it on by default is inherently anti privacy. Especially when they try to explain it away on reddit when they faced backlash. “There has to be a reason our users are upset? Am I the bad guy? No it’s the users who are bad!” It is a reminder that no company is your friend. This is a test to see what they can and cannot get away with. A test to see if the users notice/if enough would really jump ship to create an impact on their product.

    I jumped ship as soon as this feature was found. Fuck that.

    Librewolf is fantastic, it’s FOSS Firefox. I have had absolutley no issues getting firefox extensions to work with librewolf.

  • This is a shining example proving that games don’t need to die. Especially if you’re a company that is completely uninterested in pursuing an IP any further. When I read that they were going to post the server tools and a new client on itch I was over the moon.

    Proletariat took the best approach possible with Spellbreak, whereas iron galaxy… Fuck them. The community was actively trying to reverse engineer Rumbleverse to get it running again and they shut it down. They also seem completely uninterested in bringing Rumbleverse back. (Thankfully there are still ways to self host it, it’s just not as clean as it could have been).

    Whenever you hear someone say it would take too much effort to give the community tools, point them to Spellbreak. Hell It would be commendable even if the company didn’t give communities tools but didn’t actively shut down any revival projects.

    Games are art and I’m sure plenty of devs that worked on these live service games would have loved to keep working on them, but their employer told them to stop. I’m sure there are plenty of devs that would love to see their game continue to live on, but their voice doesn’t matter because they aren’t the decision makers. So much time and manpower just thrown out the window.

    Proletariat, thank you. You are one of the good ones.

  • A build of this game leaked really early (beginning of last year if I am not mistaken). Highly reccomend downloading that version if you want a completely offline experience. since its going to be another live service bullshittery. It isn’t a finished build but hey it’s something. you know EA is going to try and squeeze as much money out of you as possible with the finished build. If I remember correctly I think an early version of the level creator was in it as well. Take that as you will.

  • highly reccomend Grayjay and Freetube. Futo claims to be foss but it is only source viewable (my apologies having a brain fart and cannot remember the actual term.) which to my knowledge means you can see the source code but not redistribute it. They ask for a one time $10 payment but the app functions the exact same with or without payment. Grayjay does not have a desktop application but they are looking for someone with experience to develop one. Freetube is open source and contains extra addons like de arrow and watching from invidious instances along with a desktop and mobile application. It’s UI is less appealing than Grayjay ( at least personally) but it’s the only way I watch youtube on PC now and I use Grayjay on mobile. Both of these contain sponsorblock too! ;)

    If you watch YouTube on an android TV you can sideload smart tube TV, which is ad free as well. While I personally don’t reccomend it you can sign in with your yt account on both grayjay and smart tube to impket subscriptions.

    If you are looking for a solution for YouTube TV… Well… You may need to sail the 7 seas and live with not watching live (unless others have a solution for this.

    Fuck Google.