I love both GNOME and automatic/dynamic tiling. So Regolith should have been a match made in heaven. However, unfortunately:
- It’s not found in the repositories of any major distro. You know it’s messed up if it’s not packaged as a nixpkg!
- If you can look surpass that, it’s still intended only on Debian/Ubuntu. While the AUR package exists (and even RebornOS -an Arch-derivative- offers it in their own repos), you’re simply out of luck outside of that. So, as a Fedora enjoyer myself, this unfortunately applies to me as well.
I’m kinda familiar with that rabbit hole :P . Though, I didn’t quite consider your 3rd and 4th methods. So kudos to you for that!
While writing up a draft, I actually stumbled upon an (unfinished) article that goes over this subject in way more depth than I could.
Though, the author doesn’t mention NovaCustom that intends to combine Boot Guard, Heads and QubesOS certification on their devices.