I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts so candidly. No worries at all - your feedback isn’t rude! If anything, it’s incredibly helpful in understanding how the messaging comes across to users, and that’s exactly the kind of insight we need to improve.
I totally get where you’re coming from with the SSO concern. Even if it’s more of a personal preference, it’s still a valid point, and I respect that. We’ll definitely consider adding a simple email-based sign-up option to give users more choice.
As for the Mac-only part, I hear you loud and clear. It’s frustrating when you’re excited about something, only to find out it’s not available on your platform. That’s on us for not making it clearer upfront, and we’ll be adjusting how we communicate this in the future to avoid any confusion.
On the ‘ChartDB 2.0’ vs. ‘Buckle’ transition - I get why this felt misleading, and I appreciate you calling it out. Our intention wasn’t to do a bait-and-switch, but I can see how it might have come across that way. The goal was to show continuity between ChartDB and what we’re building next, but we’ll rethink how we present this so it’s clearer from the start.
I really appreciate you sharing your perspective, and I hope you’ll keep giving us this kind of honest feedback. It helps us make things better for everyone. Thanks again!
Cheers, Jonathan
It just merged. Take a look in the readme how to set it up :)