• 2 Posts
Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2024


  • I wasn’t really thinking as of mint beeing that userfriendly on the nvidia side sorry there. but isn’t the ubuntu based mint shipping with snapd (because in this case Pop OS would be more updated than debian but less bloated than ubuntu and faster because snapd)

    well my manjaro only broke after installing apt (and it did warn me it was on test machine so I knew what I was trying) but other that it never broke while using it as I “should”.

    The idea behind debian and arch as beginner was that you should learn from the ground up how to properly manage your system like in case of kernel panick not looking at you popOS and knowing how to deal with it is probably better than finding it out the hard way like I did…

    and well you are correct if it is for people just wanting a pc that works and doesn’t spy on you…