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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Yes - it’s harder to reunite kids with their parents than it is to separate them - I’m not arguing that - I’m saying that not every bad thing the GOP does is an act of destruction - like the creation of the executive orders Biden destroyed, like the creation of the policies that led to the separation of those children from their parents. Destroying bad policy or bad EOs isn’t inherently harder than creating them - repairing the damage they do is the hard part, but you don’t get to do that until you fix the bad policy/EO. This is the part where the Democrats have made some progress, are world better than the GOP, but remain a disappointment.

    You’re boiling down everything that the GOP does to destruction, and that simply isn’t the case as I’ve already demonstrated. As long as you insist on ramming those square pegs into such an over-simplistic round hole view of the world, discarding any clear, but inconvenient fact, you’ll fail to understand the world, and any conclusions you draw will continue to be utterly worthless.

    Now I’ll stand aside and make room for you to stupidly/dishonestly pretend that destroying bad EOs (which is exactly as easy as creating them) is “bull crap”, and that I’ve said the GOP creating bad things is somehow good because you imagine creating things is inherently good, and only something the Democrats do.

    Fuck me - I’m honestly ashamed to share a political tent with such a moron, but better you than the Nazis, I suppose.

  • You’re using the vaguest possible language and imagining you’re profound, then dismissing the example I gave because it disagrees with your narrative by point to burning villages as though that means anything?

    I gave the more specific example of destroying Republican legislation, and either you’re too dishonest to acknowledge that, or too stupid to understand. Why be like this?

    I’ll be more specific and point to 4 executive orders from Trump that Biden destroyed, and ask you to explain precisely what the fuck you think you’re talking about?

    • Preventing Online Censorship

    • Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence

    • Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes

    • Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance to Advance American Influence’

    Try to refrain from smugly gesturing at vagueries - you look silly enough as is.

  • Pissing away 40bn - 15% of your net worth to own the libs by destroying a company you were forced to buy requires an incredible degree of stupidity. Imagine the damage a remotely competent malicious narcissist could do with that kind of money.

    For context, the 2016 election cost $6.5bn - for both sides, presidential and congressional elections - that comfortably buys you a quarter century of elections - and if the GOP has power for that long, at this point, there won’t be another election to fund.

    Musk clearly has sub-normal IQ - there’s no shame in that, but he has no shortage of other reasons to be ashamed of himself.