Update: It’s now working.
Update: It’s now working.
I’ve finally banished Windows to a virtual machine, and am gearing up to fistfight Easy: Anti-cheat Rootkit AKA Fucking piece of shit that does precisely fuck-all to stop cheating despite having access to kernel space in order to get Sea of Thieves working on my virtual machine.
After Chinese spyware banned, users of banned Chinese spyware migrate to not-yet banned Chinese spyware.
Elite: Dangerous, because every time I tab out of the game to check INARA for the closest outfitting or something there’s about a 30% chance of it crashing and becoming unlaunchable until I restart my computer. Hence writing system names down on paper before launching the game.
I use paper because the game tends to crash when I tab out to figure out where I was supposed to go. And then it won’t launch again until I restart my computer.
My physics professor has us compare our answers to physics problems with a LLM’s output. Somehow, the AI is even worse at physics then I am, it once simplified (4pi2) to 4.
I mean if you’re mechanically talented enough and sufficiently motivated, you could probably rip out the digital controls and replace them with mechanical analogs, getting rid of the computer entirely. Extremely difficult, but probably doable if you know what you’re doing.
That aside, we shouldn’t have to do that to get out of being spied on.
I honestly didn’t like factorio, which is odd because I’m pretty much the exact target audience (autistic). I bought it after buying Mindustry, played it for about 20 hours and then put it down and didn’t pick it back up again because I realized that it just felt like work. I think the reason I didn’t like it was that you spent 5 minutes coming up with a solution to some problem, and then spend 50 minutes implementing it, which bogs down the gameplay with monotonous block-placing.
I followed a tutorial meant to bypass Easy: Anticheat for VRchat. I manually defined the hardware names and versions of some of my computer’s components in KVM’s XML code. It wasn’t very difficult and only took about 30 minutes in total, setting up GPU passthrough was difficult though.