Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • That’s still a limitation on bandwidth, not data volume. It’s still the bandwidth that costs money, not the volume.

    Not really. OFDMA and other modulation mechanisms for doing dense wireless connectivity do have limitations on number of active connections based on frequency (not necessarily data bandwidth) available. Someone communicating constantly will eat up way more slots than their neighbors.
    Wireless is a shared resource that cannot be guarded. This is not the case with cables… Where that bandwidth limitation is never encroached upon (short of the North American Fiber-Seeking Backhoe… Shown here:)

    In short, someone taking less slots means that service for everyone is better. A cap can keep those slots open as people would be incentivized to use it less.

    The alternative is that they install more wireless transmitters but dial the power down so there’s more cells. Except this will have alternative problems in penetrating into buildings and such. So that’s not really an answer either. And with way more hand-offs you’ll run into more problems using your cellphone anyway.

  • So I keep seeing people reference this… And I found it curious of a concept that LLMs have problems with this. So I asked them… Several of them…

    Outside of this image… Codestral ( my default ) got it actually correct and didn’t talk itself out of being correct… But that’s no fun so I asked 5 others, at once.

    What’s sad is that Dolphin Mixtral is a 26.44GB model…
    Gemma 2 is the 5.44GB variant
    Gemma 2B is the 1.63GB variant
    LLaVa Llama3 is the 5.55 GB variant
    Mistral is the 4.11GB Variant

    So I asked Codestral again because why not! And this time it talked itself out of being correct…

    Edit: fixed newline formatting.

  • Prior to Quantum coming into the area, I was on Centurylink bonded vDSL. I got 140/25. The only reason I took that over the cox gigablast was because of the lack of data-cap. Higher speeds are useless if I can’t use that speed all the time. The vdsl was more useful at the slower speeds because I could max that lower speed out 24/7 for the whole month if I needed to. 140 at full bore was way more than the 1.2TB cap on coax… (Cox is 1.28TB cap, which you can hit in about 3 hours at full speed… The fuck is the point?)

    Though since then… I’ve definitely grown into using much more bandwidth than I used to.

    I remember 10mbit thinnet though. Hope you didn’t lose the termination plugs. Connecting more than 2 computers together was awesome. The IPX lan games started nearly immediately. We definitely have come a long way. While 8/8 is definitely not needed for 99% of people out there… the tired bullshit of 100/20mbps that most people seem to purchase and not even get is definitely not good enough.

  • Sorry not buying it. You may have had shit experiences with them, but I definitely haven’t. And I definitely don’t believe it’s some overarching hidden policy of theirs.
    This month I’ve pushed nearly 100TB… I’ve never once called in for anything other than for them to fix their jank ass CX6500 (Fucking piece of shit, let me use my own SPF+ stick FFS). Although I’m sure I’d be more frustrated if I ever ran into any issues with billing or anything like that.

    Last 30 days: 56.85TB download and 40.78TB upload.
    Last 7 days: 8.02 TB down, and 6.27 up.

    And I can still spawn speedtests/iperfs that hit near my max 8/8…

    Even more importantly… Since it would be easy for them to just “not” throttle I can pull out my phone on cellular network and speedtest against my own speedtesting server and match the speeds my phone gets speedtesting to a normal server (since my phone will never be able to saturate 8gbps anyway, but I still get into the 200-300mbps).

    I’ve had users speedtest against my speedtesting server on other networks that were gigabit get those full speeds regularly.

    I see those full speeds torrenting regularly. I see them regularly from steam downloads and other sources as well.

  • What does 300 students with cellphones do as a lifeline in any event during the school day that would actually warrant it?

    I don’t think any ban is saying that they can’t have the phones in their locker, off, for use after school hours.

    What I do find funny,

    Fifty-eight percent of such parents want their children to have cell phones so they can get in touch with them or learn their whereabouts when needed while 48 percent say cell phones help them coordinate transportation to and from school with their children.

    As if that was not a problem for previous generations that didn’t have cell phones. There are plenty of answers that work that don’t require cellphones. Like… I don’t know… Talking to your kids. Or at worst, calling the school office and relaying a message to your kids if something significantly deviates from your normal plans.

    And their next line proves the point that half the children with a phone shouldn’t have it.

    Nearly as many say children need mobile devices to communicate about their mental health or other needs.

    No, you don’t need a phone to communicate about your mental health during school hours. Your phone isn’t the correct device to do that. If you have mental health concerns you need to see medical professionals, and if it’s immediate, the school nurse. Not your phone, not your dumb as rocks social media. Your phone is not a device that can help assuage ANY medical/health condition. The fact that the child thinks they NEED the serotonin/dopamine hit of their precious phone in order to mentally cope with anything and adults are perpetuating it… that’s just fostering dependence on these devices and makes the whole thing worse.

  • It’s directly related. If it’s in Apple’s system… or M$'s systems… They get to control your passkeys (not you). Including arbitrarily locking you out for whatever reason they want. Including “oops our datacenter died”. Hell… case and point. I bought new pixel phones (GrapheneOS), Google store didn’t charge my card at all, a card that’s been associated with my account for at least 10 years now, they marked it as “Suspicious” and locked my entire google account. Talking to support… None of them can even see that my account is locked.

    This is what “normal” people will get shoved into. This is not a win for any consumer. It’s a win for corporations. They get to see each request you make and use that metadata for themselves.