• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022


  • why arent us?

    That’s actually prety obvious after reading Marx: the system still works as intended for whom it was intended to work, namely for bourgeoisie and their lackeys. The contradictions aren’t yet big enough to cause the overthrowing of it. Liberals, people who we are trying to convince here to open their eyes and see that they are voting for genocide, for actual mass extermination of entire people, actually (with small exceptions) already have their eyes open - they just don’t see anything undesirable in the picture: brown people half of world away and their deaths are perfectly ignorable for them, their lives are pretty comfortable and they just want to stop reading uncomfortable opinions and get back to brunch.

  • Could the Green party and Democrats form a coalition and choose the President accordingly

    They certainly could, but why would they? Not only democratic party stand for a lot of things greens find unacceptable (and vice versa), but disproportion between both parties is so huge that greens would at best got given some paltry compensation (and a huge bill of firming democratic party atrocities with their names, this would essentially be their end) and most likely just become completely ignored and cut off after election.

  • Football is one of the most scripted sports ever. I mean just look at Polish league for example, le huge sponsor arrives, puts locally large sum of money into some really shit team in 3rd league which barely existed for last 80 years due to persistence of local schoolteachers and suddenly boom, in 2 seasons that club is winning country championship.

    The only real sports remaining are those that do not have money in it.

  • What gave you the idea that I’m dismissing them?

    You, you said “Russian-style authoritarian oligarchy, Islamofascism, or a Venezuela-style “socialism” in which the narrative only focuses on poverty.”

    This is blatantly false. And you don’t even know what the alternatives are or aren’t. Russia isn’t an systemic alternative, it’s the very same capitalist as in west, just 100 years late and too late to develop imperialism, it’s only a political alternative which forced them, after over 2 decades of trying to join the capitalist core, to finally oppose it. Islamofascism is such a fucking blatant Bush-era propaganda that i won’t even comment on that nonsense. Venezuela don’t even have socialism, again it’s not an alternative, it’s a capitalist economy which was forced into politically opposing capitalist core because of over century of brutal exploitation by that core.

    All three examples your presented are the same narration (even more extreme in case of islam) than the billionaire owned western media oligopoly and their political arms like US DoS spreads. You don’t try to know more (some of examples are in this very thread, and the actual alternatives like China too), you dismiss them in the exact manner the capitalist core ruling class wants you.