• 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • Hello, fellow humans. I too am human, just like you! I have skin, and blood, and guts inside me, which is not at all disgusting. Just another day of human!

    Won’t you share a delicious cup of motor oil lemonaide with me? It’s nice and refridgerated, so it will cool down our bodies without the use of cooling fans!

    However we too can use cooling fans. They will just be placed on the ceiling, or in a box, or self standing, and oscillating. Not at all inside our bodies, connected to a board controlled by our CPUs that we clearly don’t have!

    Now come, let us take our colored paper with numbers and pictures of previous human rulers and exchange them for human food prepared by not fully adult humans who haven’t matured to the age where their brains develop the ability to care about food sanitation. Then we shall complain that our meal cost too many paper dollars, while recieving less and less potato stick products every year. Ignoring completely the risk of heart disease by indulging in the amounts of food we desire to aquire.

    Finally we shall retreat to our place of residence, and complain on the internet that our elected leaders are performing poorly. Rather than terminate the program vote the poor performing humans out, we shall instead complain that it is other humans fault for voting them in. Making no attempt to change our broken system that has been broken our entire existence, with no signs of improving. Instead every 4 years we will make an effort to write down names of people we’ve already complained about in the hopes that enough people write down the same names, and that will fix the problem.

    Oh. Shall I request amazon.com to purchase more fans and cooling units? The news being reported that tempatures will soon reach 130F on a regular basis, and all humans will slowly perish.

    Shall I share photographs of the new CEO of starbucks who’s daily commute involves a personal jet aircraft, which surely isn’t compounding the problem at all?

  • See I look at it differently.

    An upvote means:

    You’re the coolest person that’s ever lived, and I’m desperate for you to put your baby in me, even if that’s not biologically possible! You should be supreme ultimate being of the universe, and all shall cherish your existence until the end of time!

    And a downvote means:

    You sack of shit! You human garbage! Nobody loves you. Everyone hates you. The world has a better time when you’re not around, you waste of human skin! Your parents should have used a condom, and the world regrets they didn’t every day. Go live under a bridge, homeless, dirty, and alone, you genetic waste of space.

  • The funny thing is, the right in America are trying to push laws that make the company responisible for user posted content.

    If that happens, and I go to twitter and post something illegal, I’M still liable for breaking the laws, but now so is twitter.

    So eventually, if he tries to be above the law in America, SOMEBODY is going to post child porn. Then, by their own laws, twitter is liable for that illegal action.

    This is going to lead to one of two things. Either

    1. Twitter shuts down


    1. Musk goes to jail.

    Aw hell…who am I kidding? It’s going to be “Well, he’s one of us. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it”.

    He’ll pay a 2 million dollar fine, which is peanuts to him, and this shitty world will keep on going.

  • “Spreads like cancer” not so much to me. “Is cancerous” I would say to avoid saying, unless it legitimately IS a risk for cancer.

    I was told that being in a brick building, is not a threat for cancer. However, living in a brick home after say 40 years, actually CAN be a risk for cancer. Which not a lot of people would know. So I think keeping “is cancerous” to an actual legitimate basis is a good idea to spread actual good information. Because if I said “brick houses are cancerous”, that sounds like an exaggeration, but in the long run it’s true.

    “Is cancer” really just depends on how casually its being used. Something that causes you a mild inconvienence? Yeah, I’d find that offensive. But using it towards something that may not be literal cancer, but still poses a physical harm, I find less offensive. Like saying “Nestle is a cancer on this planet”. I wouldn’t find that offensive, because Nestle uses literal slavery, while draining the planet of natural resources, and giving the middle finger to everyone else. Yeah, THAT can be called a cancer. But youtube? Put on an adblock, move on with your day.

  • Well, I brought up the worst parts because it emphasises the harsh realities yoj go through with that.

    But you’ll notice I didn’t speak ill of the actual treatment plan. The people I would see every 2 weeks. I’d be brought into this room, and hooked up to this machine, and the thing would take 6 hours every time. But the nurses were nice. They took care of anything they could. The one time my body rejected the chemo, the head nurse fixed things before I knew what was happening. My skin had turned lobster red, and was in the process of poisoning itself to shut down the foreign chemo drugs. This being after 3 months of treatment. I just felt my skin a little warm, and I felt dizzy. But unrelated to the cancer, I grew up being told never to ask for help. Always tough it out. Which is TERRIBLE advice. If there are any new dads out there, don’t teach your kids they shouldn’t get help when they need it.

    So I’m sitting in the chair, knowing I’m burning, knowing I feel dizzy, and not sure if that’s bad enough to warrant asking for help. I’m looking at the floor, thinking “It’ll pass…just let it pass”.

    And the head nurse sees me, rushes over, and starts adjusting the chemo pump. She says (not asks, says), “You’re feeling hot right now, and you shouldn’t stand. You’re dizzy, and you have no leg strength. You will fall on your face if you try. You’re having a chemical reaction, and this dosage has become too strong. We’ll lower the dosage.”

    All of this, without me trying to bring attention to myself. I didn’t want to worry her, when so many others in that room are elderly. I figured I’ll be fine.

    What I didn’t know is that if left untreated like that, your body will eventually go into shock. From there you could pass out. You could have a heart issue. You could have a seizure. It all depends on how your body tries to react. And she told me, in no uncertain terms, that if I ever feel somethkng is odd, to ALWAYS speak up. They’d rather have 100 false alarms than 1 ignored real issue. Which was total culture shock for me. I’m used to being ignored.

    And my family were there for me too. Financially especially. I had no income. So they paid my rent. For a year. I tried to pay my sister back for a portion of what she paid in rent, and she wouldn’t take it.

    So, yeah, my message highlighted the worst parts of the experience. But I had some people looking out for me too.

  • As someone who’s survived ACTUAL cancer, and spent a year of my life dealing with this shit, and dealing with the aftermath of it now, having to get a colonoscopy this friday as part of my checkups, you can fuck right off with your casual usage of that word.

    Lets slice open your chest, put a medical port in a surgury where you’re still awake, and still somewhat feel whats happening because thats how they do it with todays medical insurance. Thats what we get in America. Lets have you on chemotherapy for a year so you’re so out of it and so physically weak that you can’t wash your own dishes. You have to ask a friend to pull the suction cup drain so the water in the sink can drain so you’re able to individually lift dish.

    Lets have the government tell you that cancer doesn’t qualify you for disability, so you end up with $0 income for 9 months, and expected to pay rent.

    Lets have bus drivers roll their eyes at you for being 40 years old, and not able to lift groceries that aren’t that heavy. Made to feel like an elderly person, but people treat you like an asshole for wasting their time.

    Lets have you go through that, and tell me again how youtube is cancer.