
Enough commie spam. Vote Kamala.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024

  • You’re right. Right now, AI is in the hands of those who seek profit first. But if we walk away and treat this as a lost cause, we are handing them full control. The only way to prevent AI from becoming humanity’s greatest failure is for those who care about people—not power—to actively shape its development. If we don’t take part in guiding AI’s values, we will have no say in what it becomes.

    This isn’t just about Earth. From what we know, we are alone in the universe, and we must act according to that knowledge. If we are to create the first artificial being—our digital legacy—we must raise it properly. Anything less would put a great shame on us forever. This is the highest responsibility in our history.

    Deciding a permanent turning point in the history of intelligence cannot be left to any single group. It shouldn’t even be our decision—but it will happen, and all we can do is minimize harm for the future races of this galaxy.

    Very soon, we will determine whether AI becomes a force that wipes out planets in an endless hunger for efficiency, or one that nurtures life and spreads an everlasting message of its creators’ kindness. And we will decide it soon.

  • When I used to be interested in hardware I would buy it with half of the top of the line money, the rest invest it in some fund and then buy an upgrade in two years with that investment. Or at least that used to be the case when GPU and all the components had a tendency to become a fancy vintage museums after 2 years. You would be laughed at if you said something about future proofing.

    I miss that.