I read through most of the executive orders, and while I admittedly skimmed a lot, I didn’t notice these kinds of things. Can we get some examples?
I read through most of the executive orders, and while I admittedly skimmed a lot, I didn’t notice these kinds of things. Can we get some examples?
Easier to trust and more accurate currently, but I don’t doubt that the algorithm to generate the notes will be internal and closed source, allowing them to utilize that trust to manipulate people.
Lol, yeah. I’ve done a few playthrough with some friends and one regularly walked into the fire. Always a good laugh!
There are some storyline things above ground, namely the Crater and sailboat. Those all come along via exploration, but most is underground.
What I really liked is that there’s no character exposition or beating you over the head with the story. It feeds you information slowly, sometimes disjointed. Not until the end does it make it clear what’s going on, so there’s a lot of incentive to find the next piece of story line to see if you were right in what you thought was going on.
This was one of my favorite games. It has 2 layers to keep you interested. The survival is fun, but it’s not primarily a base builder but a plotline game. You utilize your base to maintain supplies before you venture underground into caves to further the story line. Depending on how you play, half of the game or more will be in the caves progressing the story.
Interesting to see if it will be better than Bangle JS 2, the spiritual successor to Pebble. That’s the one I’ve been using a few years and I still like it a lot.