if this is something you need to be told on the internet you got bigger problems. far right and far left have become meaningless terms mostly i just see it be used as a synonym for bad people i don’t like just like calling someone a Nazi or a racist it just makes you more suspicious of the people doing it because they play with the definitions of words and it makes you automatically pay more attention to how they use these words and if your suspicions are confirmed you can just outright dismiss what this person is saying. this is universal no matter what side or what group does it.
BitTorrent has a new version now BitTorrent v2 you will see this in BitTorrent clients that support it like qBitTorrent in ways like info hash v2 its still getting better v1 and v2 are not inoperable because some of the changes can not work together but you can create hybrid torrents that can work in both. https://www.libtorrent.org/features-ref.html#bittorrent-v2 https://blog.libtorrent.org/2020/09/bittorrent-v2/