• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m not convinced this is a good idea. Resident keys as the primary mechanism were already a big mistake, syncing keys between devices was questionable at best (the original concept, which hardware keys still have, is the key can never be extracted), and now you’ve got this. One of the great parts about security keys (the original ones!) is that you authenticate devices instead of having a single secret shared between every device. This just seems like going further away from that in trying to engineer themselves out of the corner they got themselves into with bullshit decisions.

    Let me link this post again (written by the Kanidm developer). Passkeys: A Shattered Dream. I think it still holds up.

  • sourcehut. I like how it’s structured, where issue trackers, repos, and so on are independent of each other but can be grouped using a project, and you can have as many of each as you want or none at all. You should be able to have a huge monorepo with many issue trackers, or a single issue tracker for a project split across many repos if you want. GitHub doesn’t really allow you to do either, certainly not the former, and same with most of the alternatives. Everything else seems to clone GitHub’s workflow for contributions as well which I can’t stand (sourcehut uses git send-email as the primary contribution method — but there is also a GitHub style PR button —, which apart from the email jank I find much better because once it’s set up you can just send changes to any project with just a local clone; it also means you don’t even have to be registered on sourcehut to send changes to a project hosted there).

    I also self-host cgit I suppose but that’s not really a GitHub alternative.

  • The easy way is to just use tunnelbroker.net, that is what I currently have (this would use one of their assigned net blocks, not the one from the VPS). Set it up on the Pi, set up IP forwarding with appropriate firewall rules, make the Pi serve RA so clients can assign themselves an IP, done (IIRC).

    If you want to set up the v6/v4 gateway yourself, I would do this with a /64 you can fully route to your home network like you would get with tunnelbroker.net because then you don’t have to deal with the network split and essentially two gateways for the same network (your Pi and the VPS), because otherwise your clients would assume the VPS is directly reachable since it’s in the same network when in reality it would have to go through the gateway (you would have to set up an extra route in that case on every client, I think). You’d need a second network from Oracle for this.

    But it’s pretty much the same thing I would assume plus the setup on the VPS side, make the VPN route your /64 block (or use 6in4 which is what tunnelbroker.net uses), configure IP forwarding on the Pi and the VPS between the VPN interface and local/WAN respectively.

  • Apple

    I’ve submitted at least 8 bug reports to them since Oct 2023 (and also many suggestions) through their feedback app. No response to any of them until now. The only closed bugs I closed myself because the problem went away in an update.

    I’m pretty sure they don’t have any bug triager whatsoever.

    I’ll keep doing it out of spite and because it’s what I do for open-source as well, but I’m really not sure if it has any effect at all.