That would explain my drunk human trick. You can get me drunk, blindfold me, and spin me in circles. I will then unerringly point to North. I always know where North is. Even when I’m rebooting after just waking up.
By any chance do you have a native Australian background? Apparently they don’t have words for “left” and “right” but instead use cardinal directions, i. e. “My north hand.” They have extremely good spatial navigation skills that are thought to be a result.
That would explain my drunk human trick. You can get me drunk, blindfold me, and spin me in circles. I will then unerringly point to North. I always know where North is. Even when I’m rebooting after just waking up.
By any chance do you have a native Australian background? Apparently they don’t have words for “left” and “right” but instead use cardinal directions, i. e. “My north hand.” They have extremely good spatial navigation skills that are thought to be a result.
Nope. Aboriginal Australian is one of the few ethnicities that I’m not related to at all.