I quite enjoyed Inquisition, but you’re absolutely right…it was a pale shadow of a DA game. I’ve not bothered to play Veilguard, pretty sure it’d just be depressing. I’m fucking sick of Corpos bleeding great IPs dry, leaving a dead husk lacking even the fool’s gold shine of glory ground beneath the boot heel of the Late Stage Capitalist’s need for “Infinite Growth.”
Said it before, I’ll say it again… we’re definitely in the Biff-Timeline, and we need to fix it Marty!
I quite enjoyed Inquisition, but you’re absolutely right…it was a pale shadow of a DA game. I’ve not bothered to play Veilguard, pretty sure it’d just be depressing. I’m fucking sick of Corpos bleeding great IPs dry, leaving a dead husk lacking even the fool’s gold shine of glory ground beneath the boot heel of the Late Stage Capitalist’s need for “Infinite Growth.”
Said it before, I’ll say it again… we’re definitely in the Biff-Timeline, and we need to fix it Marty!