November 6, 2024, marks the end of the 20th anniversary year for the Inkscape project, and the beginning of a new decade of adventure. There were a few milestones this past year, among them an informal global celebration, a bug-fix program, an About Screen Contest, an Inkscape Summit, a summer of code, and the launch of version 1.4.
Here’s a brief look at some of those milestones.
I still remember looking at it (with its super cool sports car illustration) at the top result(s) at Sourceforge (when Sourceforge was the hub for all things open source, back in 2006), downloading each update from whatever computer from uni and bringing it back home to doddle stuff. Inkscape always was in my top 5 tools for uni along with GIMP (and Krita afterwards), Imagemagick, ConTeXt and MetaPost.