We aren’t even the customers for denuvo. Why are they even trying to convince us to like them. It doesn’t do shit for us.
Because we’re the meanies who refuse to buy games that have it. We should say thank you to them and gleefully give money to games that use it
Treating the people who buy a game as the criminals isn’t ever a positive.
For me it’s simple: Denuvo makes game hard to play on GNU/Linux so Denuvo makes it hard for me to play games I pay for… So no, 0 benefit from this shit…
Product manager for proprietary malware peddler attempts to convince suckers that their malware does anything other than artificially restrict users and further the cause of vendor lock-in.
There, I saved everyone a click. Now thank me for my service.
Shitty company justifies it’s existence*
To all the “boycotts don’t matter” people: lol owned. Protest is good and just, and people do notice. Taking action makes a different so get out there and be fucking heard people.