All the mess around the US elections make me think : What are weird stuff you’ve seen occurring during election days no matter whether it’s incident, crazy voters/questions or even straight-up fraud ?

Also thanks to all of you who volunteer to run/observe an election, you’re keeping your country democracy alive.

    4 months ago

    I’m in the Netherlands, helping out at a station in a school gym. This station had three booths, with one low-height voting booth, both for shorter people, but also for people in wheelchairs and whatever other reason. A man in his mid-30’s comes up in a wheelchair, we check his ID, hand him a ballot and the famous red pencil, and point to the direct of the booths, where someone has the temerity of allready occupying the wheelchair booth! GASP, SHOCK!

    The guy proceeds to absolutely flip his shit, calling us bigots, racists, haters and nazis for not letting him vote from a wheelchair. That “people like us” have always hated him. For what’s it worth, note that both him and me are roughly the colour of fresh milk.

    It was super awkward, because the man was “punch-your-face” angry, and I was the only person there who was under 60… But like… he’s in a wheelchair, and I’m sure he’d hurt himself a lot more than me. I was seriously considering just wheeling him out, but he hadn’t voted yet, and assholes have rights too, and the optics aren’t exactly great on that. One of the old ladies who also volunteered told me “Don’t worry girl, we get a few like that every time, just let him go and laugh about it over dinner”.

    The kept ranting on his way out the door.