• Dasus@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      “How much more targeted”

      Than indiscriminate bomb attacks at population centers?

      VERY much more targeted. This is no more accurate than looking at a phone book for addresses that people who may or may not have been associated with Hezbollah at some point and then bombing those apartment buildings, not caring who else lives there.

      There are rules about war. Rules which you clearly have no idea of. No matter how despicable a terrorist organisation is, it doesn’t mean it’s morally okay for you to stoop to theirs fucking level.

      Israel is a member of the UN, and has promised to obey these international laws as a part of the global community. If they want to say “fuck you we’re allowed to kill however many civilians we happen to fucking kill with whatever flimsy excuse we may have”, then soon Israel won’t be a respected member of the global community, but another shitty terrorist state that everyone despises.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
        26 days ago

        Is that what Israel said? No.

        98% of Gaza is still alive after one year of all this indiscriminate bombing and genocide.

        There’s a very obvious reason why the civilian death toll and Gaza is so high and it’s because that is the strategy of Hamas, to purposefully raise that number. They have literally no other leverage then to try and get as many people as possible killed while the elite Gazan’s hide underground, and run to the ICJ and claim war crimes. Remember that first week of airstrikes last October, when Hamas launched a social media campaign to convince people that the evacuation warnings and airstrike warnings were a hoax?

        Look how well it is working on you. Why are you siding with the view taken by Iran, Qatar, Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Islamic State, all of them led by far right nationalists, dictators and monarchs, against the view taken by America, Canada, Australia, Japan, and France? That’s not a red flag to you that maybe your moral compass has led you astray?

        Maybe you’re right, and you think the west should abandon Israel. You think they’re just going to let their flawed democracy be taken over by insane religious fascists from Iran? No. Israel will turn Iran into a sheet of glass before they let Iranian soldiers March into Jerusalem. Tens of millions of people will die.

        How sad are you going to be when Middle East states start attacking Israel and the resulting humanitarian and refugee crisis results in 50,000 people dying by lunch time, day in day out, for months or years?

        I bet you’ll be so sad that you won’t even be able to post TikToks about it.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          25 days ago

          98% of Gaza is still alive after one year of all this indiscriminate bombing and genocide.

          Are you on crack?

          Oh wait no, you’re smoking Israeli propaganda, even worse than being the worst of crack whores.


          As of 8 September 2024, over 42,000 people (40,972 Palestinian[1] and 1,478 Israeli[13]) have been reported as killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 116 journalists according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (111 Palestinian, 2 Israeli and 3 Lebanese)[14], 134 journalists and media workers according to the International Federation of Journalists (127 Palestinian, 4 Israeli and 3 Lebanese)[15] and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, including 179 employees of UNRWA.[

          Israel is a pos coward nation committing a genocide on defenseless women and children. I can’t imagine anything more despicable and pathetic.

          But you already knew this, since you’ve studied international law in… “law school”. (:DDDD)

          Maybe you’re right, and you think the west should abandon Israel.

          Honestly, our basic school system informed us more of international laws than your “law school” apparently did you. :D Not how the UN works, my brainwashed friend.

          Then you spam a bit more whataboutism to excuse genocide. “No you don’t understand, we have to genocide these people because they looked at us funny, so we’re allowed to break international law”

          Cmon mister “I-read-international-law-in-law-school”

          What was the name of your school?? :DDD

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
            25 days ago

            You have a bunch of random sentences strung together. You haven’t even attempted to refute a single thing I said and apparently cannot do basic math. You’re at the peak of Mount Stupid looking down when you should be looking up.

            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              25 days ago

              You’re like a bad text-bot based on some really shitty Reddit sub.

              I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised to learn you’re a teenager.

              Your lies about having studied international law at “law school” are beyond ridiculous.

              The way you speak of international law shows you know about as much about it as a 3-year old playing kitchen does about actual cooking.

              Here, again.


              The 24th International Conference of the Red Cross in 1981 urged parties to armed conflicts in general “not to use methods and means of warfare that cannot be directed against specific military targets and whose effects cannot be limited”

              Further evidence of the customary nature of the definition of indiscriminate attacks in both international and non-international armed conflicts can be found in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. In its advisory opinion in the Nuclear Weapons case, the International Court of Justice stated that the prohibition of weapons that are incapable of distinguishing between civilian and military targets constitutes an “intransgressible” principle of customary international law. This definition of indiscriminate attacks represents an implementation of the principle of distinction and of international humanitarian law in general. Rule 12(a) is an application of the prohibition on directing attacks against civilians (see Rule 1) and the prohibition on directing attacks against civilian objects (see Rule 7), which are applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. Rule 12(b) is also an application of the prohibition on directing attacks against civilians or against civilian objects (see Rules 1 and 7). The prohibition of weapons which are by nature indiscriminate (see Rule 71), which is applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts, is based on the definition of indiscriminate attacks contained in Rule 12(b). Lastly, Rule 12© is based on the logical argument that means or methods of warfare whose effects cannot be limited as required by international humanitarian law should be prohibited.

              Can bombs going off in market places and other civilian locations be limited in that way? NO.

              Does Israel breaking the humanitarian laws they’ve agreed to as a member of the UN mean Israel just “gets abandoned”. Hmm… how does it work in your society when someone does a crime? Are they just… “abandoned”? Or is there perhaps some sort of a system that deals justice based on the severity of the crime? (Having to write this is exactly what I mean about how ridiculous it is of you to lie that you have any training in law, let alone “law school” :D)


              Israel keeps doing crimes against humanity and you keep defending them. Like a brownshirt from the 30’s. Eww.