• gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
    29 days ago

    Heh well… right fucking now, actually.

    But it’s a rather complicated and emotional situation.

    I’ve been with my partner for nearly 5 years. Shes in a performing arts program. She fell into a deep depression at the start of ‘rona - understandably, given the impact it had on her discipline, and dropped out of her program for a couple years. Fell into a KRPG addiction super hard. Has been in the throes of that since then, despite my continual encouragement after a while to find other outlets and stress relief behaviors. Severe anxiety and mood disorders spiral. Finally re-entered her program last year, but still struggling massively with the KRPG addiction. Stopped socializing outside of the game, for the most part - even with me, to a large extent. Physical relationship is completely dead, and has been for a couple years now. All of this despite my frequent urging to find some more help, talk to an addiction counselor, talk to her PCP, talk to her psych about figuring out a new pharmaceutical balance because the current one isn’t working.

    It’s like swimming with weights tied around my ankles.

    There have been a few semi-recent events that have made me fundamentally question the sustainability of the relationship, but my breaking point was actually just this last Monday. She was supposed to have her dissertation prospectus sorted out and submitted that Tuesday morning (but later, found out there was some sort of miscommunication, and discovered it was actually Monday). I’ve felt I’ve needed to step back and not just effectively parent her through her program, because genuinely she’s a grown-ass woman and needs to be able to motivate herself to do these things - I can’t want them for her. I watched her sandbag and KRPG for weeks leading up to it. I watched her have a couple good days of progress the week prior, then spend most of the weekend before it was due on her KRPG. I went to work Monday, let her know I was gonna get dinner with a friend so she could work and focus without me distracting her. I come back, and she’s on the KRPG; says “eh it was actually due THIS morning, so oh well”.

    My face fell. She can read me pretty well at this point. She went into an emotional spiral, and started verging into self-harm. Also, she had apparently doubled up on adhd stimulants, which has historically tended to supercharge that stuff for her. Not wanting her to perhaps harm or off herself, I got her to take one of her “zonk-out” pills , prescribed for situations such as this. I was in triage mode that night.

    The following day, I went to work. I came home. I no longer care really about what she’s doing or how she’s doing it. I realize this is it; this is my limit. I cannot do this anymore. It’s destroying my mental and physical health (I’ve been self-medicating on and off for a while now due to how much I have to handle fucking EVERYTHING in both my life and hers, and I’ve been the sole earner until about a year ago). I shared a bottle of wine with her. In a fit of quiet grief, while she was back playing her KRPG more, I ended up downing a whole bottle of sake myself just to stop feeling anything. Was extremely drunk; later got violently ill.

    Spent the next day at work super hung over. Resolved that I needed to end things. But despite everything, I do still love and care about her, so I need to get one of her family members up to essentially do a “handoff” when I leave to stay at a friends place for a week or two when I tell her she needs to move out.

    So I’ve been lying to her face for a week pretending everything is copacetic, because I cannot handle another emotional spiral from her, and I need to stage things correctly for her own physical well-being, because I don’t trust her to be ok in the moment when I tell her what’s happening.

    It fucking sucks. But at the same time, I see light at the end of the tunnel, in terms of my own life. So I feel a lot of guilt over that whole situation, in multiple different dimensions.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I guess…?

      • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
        29 days ago

        Well thank you for saying so! I kinda don’t feel like it at the moment due to… that… but I do appreciate the sentiment.

        Thank you for also being a kind person. <3

        • PrimarilyPrimate@lemmy.world
          29 days ago

          You seem to be treating everyone, including yourself, with respect. I can’t think of anything that is kinder. This sounds like a hard thing not the wrong thing to do.

    • FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee
      29 days ago

      I apologise for being blunt (but maybe it will give you perspective) but if you’ve been with her for nearly 5 years and the rona times began in early 2020, have you been dealing with this for 4.5 years out of nearly 5 years? Almost the entire duration of the relationship?

      • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
        29 days ago

        Honestly, for a lot of it, yeah. I thought there was going to be a bounceback.

        Part of the reason I’ve stuck around and been so supportive is that when I was laid off in the teeth of the pandemic, she was incredibly supportive.

        Also, she was the one who finally pushed me to take my mental health seriously and get over the idiotic stigma I had about therapy. And also helped me realize that I was being a bit fucking stupid with my financial planning, and to take that seriously as well.

        Basically, one of the primary reasons I’ve stuck around so long is because she’s materially changed my life in a lot of positive ways, despite the issues. But I’ve been tryin to do the same for her for the last couple years a lot more pointedly, and it’s so goddamn exhausting to have it all fall flat when the turn tables.

    • ThoGot@lemm.ee
      28 days ago

      I honestly spent way too much time reading that before realising ‘KRPG’ isn’t some new drug that I’ve never heard of before

      • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
        28 days ago

        Hah, yeah, just Korean RPG. Gaming addiction.

        And frankly, I’ve been there too, but I’ve recognized it and pulled myself out of it.

        She just keeps leaning into it, regardless of everything I’ve said to her about it. She wakes up and starts her day with it. In fact, she’s in the other room playing as I write this.