• kava@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    People believe just because someone interacts with some sort of digital device, it makes you an expert on computers. The thing is, it depends on the type of operating system you are interacting with.

    For example when I was young, my father would buy those big old gray computers from yard sales. I would mix and match the pieces inside to build my own PC. I broke a lot of shit but learned a lot.

    The operating system was one where you more or less had total control over the computer. By 12~13 I was using CD-Roms to load different Linux distros and play around with all sorts of different things.

    This experience basically taught me how operating systems work at a fundamental level. How it needs a kernel, how it loads and maintains services, packages, etc. How file systems work and learning how terminals are useful. Scripting languages, and eventually coding applications.

    Compare and contrast that to the young kids of today. What do they get? A phone and a tablet. You can’t open it up. You can’t tinker with it. The OS is closed off and is deliberately made as difficult as possible to modify. No mouse, no keyboard. Streamlined UIs with guard rails.

    You get what you get and you don’t get upset. That doesn’t leave nearly as much room for exploration and curiosity. It’s a symptom of our computers becoming more and more railroaded. More and more control by large companies.

    It’s really sad, I think. Fairly soon I believe every device will be a “thin device” or essentially a chrome book. Very little local processing power and instead it’ll essentially stream from a server.

    • dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I just want to echo your sentiment with something I’ve been saying here for a while now:

      Do not confuse information technology use for computer literacy.

      • whoisearth@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        I will continue to argue that GenX is the only true technology literate generation because we grew up with the technology as it evolved. Future generations are more consumers not partners in the technology they own.

        Yea it’s a vast generalization but Apple is a good analogy of this. Most people now just want “a technology that works” without any understanding or control over how it works. That’s a recipe for technological serfdom under the new generation of technocratic companies designed to own us.

        Am I ever going to own a free phone? Probably not, but that doesn’t excuse me from at least understanding from a high level all the players involved in my phone and where they’re generating value from me.