Sure! Truthfully, unless it’s dead simple I’m going to let others host.
Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.
Sure! Truthfully, unless it’s dead simple I’m going to let others host.
I tried getting it setup but it didn’t want to work on my system. The docker container didn’t work with some errors and the docs seem like they need a bit of work. I love piefed, but if it takes more than a weekend to setup then I personally don’t have enough time.
Great software though.
I’m starting to see mastodon users on my tiny pixelfed server. It’s such a good feeling.
On the sad side, my Lemmy update went south and I had to remove it off my setup. Still looking for a good replacement for max two users. Something dirt simple like GoToSocial turned out to be.
The PC port is sooo buggy :(.
That’s terrible…
Just fyi there is some good publishers like baen that still support and don’t plan on removing ebook format downloads.
I wince when I hear people talk about putting everything on signal. It’s like, you know if your using Google keyboard on Android, Apple devices, servers to transfer the data, and many others are listening in.
Always assume they can and will identify you in real life. It doesn’t mean give away your real name, just act accordingly.
Things that are legal now may not be legal in the future. Or in other places. Online interactions are not except from this rule.
It doesn’t. There is no truely unique ID in the US.
Source: myself. Worked on health insurance and it was hell.
Nice! Never heard of lemmyverse. Now I kinda want a firefox extension for that!
FreshRSS is nice. You can hook into any client you want on android/ios/etc… or use theirs. Reminds me of google reader and some others. This is what it looks like:
I have mine selfhosted. Pretty easy on yunohost, docker, or other sites. Looks like they have a couple of servers out there if you dont want to self host: https://freshrss.org/cloud-providers.html
I can see that!
I dont :) Mostly.
Honestly I have an auto backup system. And then set it up to auto update periodically. Then use Debian Server as it almost never breaks as a server distro.
Woops I always get those mixed up in my head. Which is silly.
I need to find time and look at all the amazing zines that are out there. ctrl-zine looks fun.
Nice gopher site! I recently(?)made one as well. Its kinda fun and easy to do. That CSS is awesome!
Cool. Is there anything like this on android? Or desktop?
That sounds like a hilarious idea. GL!
Yes I have a couple friends that can’t live without it, so we have had convos. It’s better to go to Walmart and get the very cheap stuff, but your going to die without it…
https://fourthievesvinegar.org/ If your forced to find a solution.
Remember your local community is one of the most valuable resources. Get to know your neighbors, invest in your social capital.
I remember coming across post in a /r/collapse on reddit that poked fun at a lot of peoples plans. He stated he was in a war torn country and found a lot of plans revolve around personal survivorship instead of community based. And the immediate local community is the one that most people fall back on and the one that often times helps out the most.
Like 95% of my games now just target SD. Its so easy to work. And it works with emulation, its very open.