I was going to mention ArchiveTeam’s warrior because I thought it wouldn’t be listed, since computing isn’t really the important thing you’re donating, more your virgin IP address and internet connection… but it’s third on the list!
There’s also a list here, though last updated in 2020: https://distributedcomputing.info/projects.html
Most of those projects remain active in some form.
I’m placed top 4% for FaH
This time of year I take the computer running my home NAS and move it to my bedroom and set up BOINC. Literally keeps the room 7-10 degrees (F) warmer.
It’s also about the same electric-to-thermal efficiency as a regular space heater, so if that’s how you heat, there’s no reason not to.
They’re all kind of old, though. Most of the active ones seem like 5-10 years old. Are there any recent new projects?
And are the projects from like 2009 still feasable? I mean both argorithms and compute hardware in the datacenters of those universities may have made leaps forwards since then?
That’s a good question.
From what I’ve gathered from my recent experience of running tasks, the project might have started years ago, but they are still offering tasks to be completed.
Einstein@Home does pulsar and (continuous) gravitational wave research. They have some long-running pulsar projects, which still find new pulsars getting published, and continuous gravitational wave research usually has a new project every 6-12 months.
The algorithms are improving all the time, and so do the volunteer computers.
I mean, during COVID, the folding@home network was the most powerful ‘datacentre’ in the world by quite a margin.
Home computing leaps almost as fast as the data centres do.