• just_another_person@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    AND a Nazi sympathizer, racist, bigot, antisemite, misogynist, and all around general asshole.

    Edit: Okay…feel like I need to rant, because this is a particularly pretty stupid video.

    • It’s 1h2m long, with maybe 10m of actual facts about Ford being a piece of shit (he unquestionably is)
    • The guest here is just spouting off all kinds of historically inaccurate things about various groups of people.
    • The guest also says in one breath that Native American agricultural techniques were “stolen and appropriated” (what?), and then in another breath tells viewers to go read about ancient Korean farming techniques and use those if you’re into farming (df…)
    • 75% of the content of this house is surrounding a fascistic newspaper that Ford pushed before WWII (that really should have been the title)
    • 15% is just the guest rambling off how awful everyone else is they don’t give communism a chance (lolz, he must not stay up on the news)
    • The last bit is specifically about Ford being a gigantic piece of shit (which he is)

    Skip through, save some time, but the bulk here is the guest guy pushing communism as an alternative to modern world woes with capitalism, and then some random shit about the “Islamic nature against Capitalism” which is news to me. The main guy also said Qatar is doing so well, it puts every other country to shame, so…take that for what it is if you know anything about Qatar (modern slavery, human rights abuses, LGBTQ oppression, misogynistic laws, class differentials in lawmaking…etc). So they’re railing on Ford, but in that one sentence about Qatar, also saying his bullshit seems to work in Qatar, so…

    ANOTHER EDIT to say: the person posting this crap is the main host of this video. He’s also all over various social media posting links to his medium where he is (I am not shitting you) PRAISING MUAMMAR GADDAFI AS ONE OF THE GREATEST LEADERS OF THE 20TH CENTURY.

    • TheFonz@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      This whole breadtube has become a parody of itself at this point. It’s a shame because when it started out there was. Some good stuff. Contra points still rocks but does she even count as breadtube any more?

    • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      still waiting to hear about those human rights abuses!! no one care about what you think you snivelling little whiny cunt

      Also its an absolute fact that the material conditions in Qatar have led to one of the lowest crime rates in the world, but please keep reiterating western propaganda you heard on cable news.

      • just_another_person@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Yeah, bruh. That happens when you jail people for “appearing gay”: https://www.axios.com/2022/10/24/hrw-report-lgbtq-qatar-jail-beatings-before-world-cup

        And also for not being modest enough, which is entirely subjective, and also enforce an insane list of rules that changes and shifts at a moments notice based on religious interpretation: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-27599689

        Antisemitism, bigotry, and lack of free speech and journalism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Qatar#:~:text=Individual rights and civil liberties,and freedom of the press.

        Move your Nazi lovin’ ass out there if you love it so much, you hateful assclown.

        • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Crime rates: The United States has significantly higher crime rates compared to Qatar

          Crime Index: United States (49.34) vs Qatar (15.99)
          Safety Scale: United States (50.66) vs Qatar (84.01)

          Perception of safety: Qatar is perceived as much safer than the United States Level of crime: United States (Moderate 55.23) vs Qatar (Very Low 10.24) Safety walking alone during night: United States (Moderate 44.29) vs Qatar (Very High 80.83)

          Overall safety: Qatar is considered one of the safest places in the world, with very low crime rates

        • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          The issue of human rights abuses in Qatar and their portrayal in Western media is complex and nuanced. While there are legitimate concerns about human rights in Qatar, some argue that Western media coverage has been exaggerated or hypocritical in certain ways:

          1. Exaggeration of worker deaths: Some Western media outlets have been criticized for misrepresenting the number of migrant worker deaths related to World Cup construction. Reports often failed to clarify that cited death tolls covered a 10-year period and were not solely related to FIFA projects[4].

          2. Selective criticism: There are arguments that Western media has applied selective criteria in its concerns, focusing intensely on Qatar while overlooking similar issues in other countries, including in the West[3][4].

          3. Lack of context: Some coverage has been accused of lacking nuance or failing to acknowledge Qatar’s recent reforms. In 2021, Qatar enacted significant labor rights reforms, including establishing a minimum wage and prohibiting outdoor work during peak summer heat[3].

          4. Cultural bias: Some Qatari officials have suggested that the intense scrutiny reflects a broader pattern of Western bias against Arabs and Muslims[3].

          5. Hypocrisy: Critics point out that Western countries and companies have benefited from and been complicit in labor practices in the Gulf region for decades[2][4].

          6. Reforms and responsiveness: Some argue that Qatar’s responsiveness to international pressure to improve its human rights situation may make it a more appropriate host for global events compared to other countries with poor human rights records[3].

          However, it’s important to note that legitimate human rights concerns in Qatar do exist:

          1. Migrant worker issues: Despite reforms, there are still concerns about the treatment of migrant workers, who make up about 85% of Qatar’s population but do not have the same rights as citizens[3].

          2. LGBTQ+ rights: Human rights groups have documented discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in Qatar[3].

          3. Political freedoms: The U.S. State Department reports issues including arbitrary arrest, political prisoners, and restrictions on free expression[5].

          In conclusion, while some Western media coverage of human rights issues in Qatar may have been exaggerated or biased in certain instances, there are still genuine human rights concerns in the country that warrant attention and continued efforts for improvement.

          Citations: [1] https://www.wzb.eu/en/world-cup-and-human-rights-in-qatar-where-the-propaganda-effect-failed [2] https://theprint.in/opinion/western-medias-criticism-of-qatar-world-cup-has-truth-but-with-dollops-of-hypocrisy/1231641/ [3] https://theconversation.com/the-world-cup-puts-the-spotlight-on-qatar-but-also-brings-attention-to-its-human-rights-record-and-politics-4-things-to-know-194970 [4] https://www.trtworld.com/opinion/biased-bigoted-boorish-thats-western-media-reporting-on-qatar-2022-12780162 [5] https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/qatar/

        • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          sounds a lot like america, and yeah i was talking about gaddafi, not Qatar. But yeah turns out no country is perfect, you fucking imbecile. Way to cite western media too, really non biased! You must be another child masquerading as an adult. Go ahead lets hear about Gaddafi…im all ears, junior

        • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Based on the search results provided, there are several points that suggest the evidence of Gaddafi’s human rights abuses may have been exaggerated or misrepresented due to Western media bias:

          1. Manufactured pretext: The search results indicate that Western powers may have manufactured a pretext to intervene in Libya, claiming Gaddafi was preparing a massacre of civilians[5]. This suggests that the narrative of Gaddafi’s human rights abuses may have been amplified or distorted to justify intervention.

          2. Limited evidence of large-scale attacks: A report cited in the search results states that “Gaddafi’s 40-year record of appalling human rights abuses did not include large-scale attacks on Libyan civilians”[5]. This contradicts the narrative often presented in Western media at the time.

          3. Exaggeration of death tolls: The search results mention that Western media misrepresented the number of deaths related to the conflict. Before NATO intervention, the UN estimated the death toll at around 2,000. However, after six months of NATO intervention, the death toll rose to nearly 50,000, with a significant proportion being civilians[5].

          4. Selective reporting: The search results suggest that Western media emphasized Gaddafi’s crimes while downplaying or ignoring the actions of anti-Gaddafi rebels. This selective reporting may have created a biased picture of the situation[1].

          5. Lack of context: The coverage often lacked nuance and failed to acknowledge the complexities of the situation in Libya, instead portraying Gaddafi and his regime as “evil others” without giving serious consideration to their claims[1].

          6. Post-intervention situation: The search results indicate that the human rights situation in Libya has worsened since Gaddafi’s overthrow, suggesting that the narrative of intervention to protect human rights may have been flawed[2].

          7. Flawed trial: The trial of Gaddafi-era officials was criticized for serious due process violations, raising questions about the legitimacy of some accusations against the regime[4].

          It’s important to note that while these points suggest bias in Western media reporting, they do not necessarily prove that Gaddafi did not commit human rights abuses. Rather, they indicate that the extent and nature of these abuses may have been misrepresented or exaggerated in Western media coverage, potentially due to political motivations and bias.

          Citations: [1] https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3013&context=masters_theses [2] https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230413-libyas-human-rights-situation-is-worse-than-what-it-was-under-gaddafi/ [3] https://www.trtworld.com/opinion/biased-bigoted-boorish-thats-western-media-reporting-on-qatar-2022-12780162 [4] https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/07/28/libya-flawed-trial-gaddafi-officials [5] https://www.declassifieduk.org/why-the-media-arent-telling-the-whole-story-of-libyas-floods/


    • theHRguy@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      Gaddafi’s Achievements:

      Economic Prosperity: Under Gaddafi, Libya transformed from one of the poorest countries in the world to the country with the highest Human Development Index in Africa. The nationalization of oil resources allowed Libya to invest heavily in social programs and infrastructure.

      Education: Gaddafi’s government prioritized education, raising the literacy rate from 25% to 88%. Education was free at all levels, and students often received scholarships to study abroad.

      Healthcare: Libya developed a robust, free healthcare system that was considered one of the best in the Middle East and North Africa. Life expectancy increased from 51 to 74 years during Gaddafi’s rule.

      Housing: Gaddafi considered housing a human right. His government provided interest-free loans for home purchases and implemented extensive public housing projects.

      Women’s Rights: Gaddafi’s Libya was progressive in terms of women’s rights for the region. Women had equal rights to education, employment, and divorce.

      Infrastructure: The Great Man-Made River project, one of the largest irrigation projects in the world, was initiated to provide water to Libya’s desert regions.

      African Unity: Gaddafi was a strong advocate for African unity and independence from Western influence, often using Libya’s oil wealth to support other African nations.