A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector

Who is peeking over your shoulder while you work, watch videos, learn, explore, and shop on the internet? Enter the address of any website, and Blacklight will scan it and reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on the site—and who’s getting your data. You may be surprised at what you learn.

    • ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      I read it as just better than chrome, if you use chrome switching to any other popular browser is better. Not that edge is a particularly good browser.

      Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Safari offer stronger privacy protections by default than you get from Chrome, which is the world’s most popular browser.

      In the rest of the article they seem to suggest Firefox, safari and brave are the better options and point to evidence. And that Microsoft claim edge is a better option. Overall its suggest Firefox it better at evading tracking and safari at evading fingerprinting (largely because all the safari devices are so similar, and apple try to make them look more similar).